Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday Evening

Yahoooo!!! When I came back from a little Bulli care session, Sharon said that she had been accepted to the Integra Hospital Plano for her after hospital stay. They have agreed to do the low level of rehab that she will need to help the hip begin it's slow process of knitting together. Thank you to those who said a word of prayer that this would be the outcome. The departure time to go to them is unscheduled at the moment but likely will be Saturday.

As I write, Sharon is sitting up eating!! Another Yahooooo!! This is actually the second time she's been in the chair today. That may not be awe-inspiring news, but it is a serious step for her at this point. She has had the last of the Oxycontin (that's some gooooooddd stuff!!) and is on a lesser pill that is available on demand. She actually hasn't had what she calls pain yet, except for the lower back pain caused by the nerve compression of the operation. That has disappeared now as well.

She is eating a little better. Tonight she had a bowl of cream of tomato soup, Pumpkin Polenta and Tofu Napolean topped with mushroom ragout, a side salad, and an Angel Cookie for dessert! The quality of the food here is great. I mean, they just don't pop the lid on a can of Pumpkin Plenta and Tofu Napolean!!! It is even presented like a high quality dining establishment. Too bad she hasn't developed her taste-buds yet!! She just isn't eating much because she just isn't hungry yet!

The nurses just came in and put her back to bed. Her sit up periods can't run longer than 45 minutes so she was ready to get back in so it wouldn't interfer with Survivor!! Now, you know where the REAL priority lies!!!

We are impressed and almost overwhelmed by the care and attention we are receiving from Prestonwood Baptist Church! We have had visits from either one of the deacons or ministers everyday here in the hospital. Today, we had three contacts from different people! That speaks loads for their ministry. If they're this caring and concerned about two folks from Tennessee, it's easy to see why they have grown to a 28,000 member congregation with two campuses! I thank God for their love and concern!

This looks like it's going to be a good night from all early indications!


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