Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My! How steps in life are measured!!!

It's amazing how our measurement enjoyment of life shifts as our situation shifts around us! This morning, Sharon had one of those life changing measurement points this morning! She had her very FIRST full shower post-hospitalization!! (That includes Integra Rehab) I'm still listening to OOOOWWWWWWs and AAAAAAAWWWWWWW's sometime later! I've always thought that life's simple pleasures were the best one's! Had never particular thought that a shower really fell into that category, though!

Sharon is sleeping a little better, but has not yet had a full, uninterrupted night of it! We put her "up on blocks" last night with pillows between her legs and feet and behind her back so she could enjoy a different postion for sleeping! That helped to some degree but only lasted for a couple of hours before she got up to go to her chair! To her right now, it seems like she hasn't slept for years! This, too, will pass!!

Today is PT day and Dave will be here around 1:15PM to give her a "full-workout!" That should do her in for the rest of the day. We've been doing the exercises twice a day, but probably not at the intensity that Dave will apply to them! That's good! She is going to have to make some serious progress for us to be ready to "mount up and ride!" That is our first major goal! We discussed with Dave the goal of getting her loaded up and he is fully on speed with that goal. It will probably be next week before we can get fully into that training program. She will have to do the equivalent of climbing 4 steps to make that transition from ground-bound to "I Believe I Can Fly!" (Apologies to Sherrill Crowe!)

This apartment is getting a little smaller with each day! I think we finally have all the support equipment in place. In our tiny bathroom (minimal size for a tub and toilet) we have an oversize tub seat AND an elevated toilet seat with arms! I don't want that to be too graphic, BUTT, that's just the facts!! [:D] We have to swap appliances several times a day to accomodate the current incumbent! Fortunately, all of these things are light and, except for size, are very mobile. Just a little glimpse into hip surgery and recovery for you!! Not all of it is glamorous!!! LOL!

Having said all that, we are surviving quite well, given the task at hand! The apartment here is actually larger than our motorcoach that we full-timed in for 3 1/2 years! That was pretty good living and that experience is making living here more acceptable! Actually, this sure beats a MicroTel small room!!!

We still haven't been next door to Roy's Hawaiian Fusion! I did manage to get an insight into their menu from their web site. To eat in their cheap seats is a flat $35 per person! That, of course, is for a three course serving consisting of an appetizer, main course, and dessert! I must admit, however, that I'm a little leary of a place that makes their food look like "Bird of Paradise" flowers, or some other such "non-food" appearance! Guess I'm just a "Paula Deen" kind of food person!! Give me some of those grits (Polenta is what we used to call "corn meal mush" and was what you ate when there was absolutely NOTHING else to eat in the house!) and eggs!

OK, enough rambling for this morning! It's really slow sitting around watching an incision heal! Just like watching paint dry, only different!


Oh, yes! NO PICTURE this morning! I was threatened!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Joe & Sharon,
I'll try one more time. Congratulations Sharon for your fantastic progress. Joe, thank you for the constant updates and the humor. While you are traveling north next week we will be traveling south to warmer climes. Will try to stay in touch, but this operation has me spooked. Didn't know I was so dumb. Bill & Dorothy