Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Afternoon 10/19/07

I sit here in the quiet trying not to make much of disturbance while Sharon gets a little mid afternoon nap! She didn't sleep well last night and has had a pretty full day of "work-outs" with PT, escaping the room while the cleaners were in, riding the MBT (Main Battle Tank) up to the laundry room on the 4th floor to help me fold clothes, and then down to have her official PT session when Dave came by. She's pooped at that activity level, and I WASN'T until I wrote this all down! NOW, after reading it, I'M pooped, too!! [:D]

On the simplest things being better, I fixed Hot Dogs for lunch and she thought they tasted like caviar! Amazing how they rang her tastebuds' bell! I'm all for those exotic tastes!! They make the cook's job a lot easier!!

We splurged yesterday for an early dinner! Immediately next door to the Extended Stay is a Saltgrass Steak House. I had developed a taste for a good piece of red meat over the last several days and as she said, "I HAVE to get out of this house for a while!" so we went to Saltgrass. It was a tremendous trip for her! Of course, she rode the MBT and I drove it all the way next door! For the effect of it, it could have been in Abilene! The change of scenery was marvelous! I told her she was just too excited about eating "fancy" and that's why she didn't sleep well! I don't believe it broke her "house arrest" rules too much though, because it wasn't a car ride. She still can't mount, or dismount from, the GeoVan!

Until tomorrow! Cheers!

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