Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What else do you do in the "wee, wee" hours of the morning and can't sleep?

1:15 AM-tell me it isn't so. Joe and June left my room around 7 last evening and I got settled in for a nice slumber. BUT, the first clock glance only gave me 9:30-thought for sure it was around 5 AM. Then after dealing with antibiotics and eating some grahams, the clock only said 11:30. Well,decided to pull out the computer and check out e-mail. Now the clock hands have sped all the way to 1:30. At this rate we'll get to TN in the year 2011.
It's actually nice to have a quiet time right now. Healing is taking place right now, even as we are speaking.
It's so very nice to have June with us right now. We haven't done anything exciting yet (and might not even) but we love having someone else to talk to. We couldn't believe that she was going to take time out of her busy schedule to come down from Maine.

That was a weird feeling get out of bed yesterday with no hip joint. I'm in a knee imm0bolizer so can't go far-just to bedside commode and the recliner. Now, both of those venues gives you a new look-out on life.

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