Monday, October 6, 2008

A New Day-A New Week

Sharon, going through a "change!" She's both the patient AND the table!
It's Monday noon and things are really looking up. Had a little drainage yesterday afternoon but none all night. Then there has just been a very little so far today so we hope the crisis is over. Would really hate for anything to stand in the way of us heading home on Thurs.
This day began very early as Bulli wanted out at 4 AM. He almost never asks to go out during the night so we knew this was a necessity. By the time Joe got back with him, Joe was awake so he stayed up. I didn't get up until around 6:30.
2 nurses came today to change the dressing on my infusion line and to do the weekly blood draw. When we saw the infectious Dr. last Thurs she said that last week's blood report was good. We were glad for that news.
We did some laundry this morning and now we have both had a nap. Wish I had had the camera available when Joe was napping-it was a rare time to see him reclining and relaxing.
It has rained alot here today-only about the 2nd time we have been here. That's about how much it has rained back home according to our neighbor who called us yesterday. She called to tell us that the newspaper was being thrown in our yard again which prompted a call to the office this morning. We have no idea why they started it up again.
Sunday was a nice, quiet Lord's day. As we have the other Sundays here, we "attended" church via the internet with Prestonwood Baptist Church. It's not like actually being there but it is an excellent substitute. If any of you want to check it out at 11AM on any Sunday, go to and click on their Power Point Ministries.
Had the room cleaned today and the maintenance man fixed the broken door lock so guess things are well at #232 for the time being.
Had calls from several friends as well as my Mom over the weekend. Call us anytime-we love phone calls.
That's all for today-Sharon


Anonymous said...

I am sure glad to see everything is going well. I have missed several days of reading and had to catch up today! We leave for OKC on Sunday the 12th and the service is on the 14th. We should be home that Thursday night late. Hope you are able to leave as planned and head home for a while. Our prayers are still with you.

Jerry and Tondi

Anonymous said...

I think I''m hearing a Willie Nelson song in the background.

Hope you are 'On the Road Again' real soon.