Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday Evening again

Another Sunday has come and gone and I'm sitting here beside Sharon's bed looking out the 8th floor window at the lights beginning to twinkle in the rising dark of the evening. This view is beautiful as we can see the very edge of the north part of the DFW metroplex. The lights far on the edge of the horizon are twinkling stars, and with a little more dark, it would be difficult to tell where the earth's lights end and the stars begin. All would blend into a full canopy for us here.

Sharon is laying in bed talking to her mom, June is on her computer at the foot of the bed doing some actual work on her computer, and I'm here staring into the night while deciding where to start on this day's events, while on TV there is an interview with a Matador about the life and death experience of "dancing with the bulls!"

As June and I came over this morning, Sharon was having her breakfast. She was rather enjoying what she had and that is a good thing. Her appitite seems to be returning fairly quickly. That will help her recover much quicker. Dr Emerson was pleased as he came on rounds this AM. He said that they had indeed cultured a staph as they suspected and, fortunately, it is one of the easier strains to control. The extra drugs they placed her on should do the job on it. He prescribed a dressing change for a little later in the morning, and that had been done before we arrived. That "upsetting" of status quo on her positioning has left her with some amount of pain for the rest of the day. As I'm typing, the nurse is in giving her traction, incision, and general condition a going over to insure all is well.

There was a small incident overnight with her. Her blood pressure had dropped off much lower than they liked, so they gave her two units of blood. That was finishing about the time we came in. Strangely, they had to do the same thing post-op in '91 after the similar operation. In neither case had there been a significant blood loss during the procedure but additional units were necessary. That seems to have livened her up a bit!

We had the pleasure of having an OBW(?) event here today! Carl and Nadine (the Happy Hobos) called this morning and asked if it was OK if they came by. Of Course! Was the answer and they came over for a nice visit. It was good to see old friends and their visit was welcomed by us all. They worked in a nice caching run into their day over so it was a good day for them as well! Thank you, Carl and Nadine!

This is about a good summary of the day! Things are getting busy here so I'll drop off and get out of the way!!



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