Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday - Part Deux

June and I went back to the hospital after we gave Sharon a brief respite and a chance to catch a nap! We did indeed find her in NAP mode but she woke up when we came in. Our impression of the earlier afternoon time was not mistaken. She actually is more lucid and coherent now than she has been before. Who knows, maybe her three ops back to back have given her a tolerance for the "juice!" Only a few times later in the afternoon did she show signs of being less than all there. That was only confusing words and names a couple of times. For example, June at one point became Judy when she was introduced to the nurse! We all got a kick out of that! Even Sharon laughed at it. See, everything is back to normal! [:D]

We carried Boneless Chuck up to stay with her while she is in traction. For those of you who don't know Boneless, he is a little limp, floppy, spineless stuffed guy that she was given in '91 when the prosthesis was removed then. Boneless has become a fixture in the family, living with James in the truck for years and when we got the truck back three years ago, Boneless came with the deal. He made the trip west with us early this summer and came here with us strictly because he is a "vehicle fixture" at this stage. I just could not let the opportunity go by to make a presentation out of him again in all of his limb floppyness! I made a traction harness for him this time and hung him from the "monkey cage" over her bed that the real traction devices are hung from. So, now Boneless is able to help her relate to her "jointless" condition in the proper fashion once again! Pictures will follow, but not tonight!

I am very pleased with what we see at the hospital. Kidding and humor aside, it is a miraculous tribute to all your prayers and concern that you have expressed to have her doing so well. Thank you for your faithfullness!



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