Saturday, October 18, 2008

Mid Saturday Progress Update

I almost hesitate to publish any comments of Sharon's progress at this time, approximately 24 hours post surgery! I can't believe that she is as chipper and alert as she is at this stage. I almost feel like I have been cheated of all the fun of having her "goofy" for a day post op! LOL! She was having breakfast as I went over this morning around 8:30 or so. Granted it was NOT ham, eggs, and grits, but she was having her beef soup and her jello and was eating with great aplomb! She said it even tasted pretty good! I then went to the DFW airport to pick up June and when we got back to the hospital, she was having LUNCH! Two meals at normal times - that has been totally unheard of in her op history! She was looking like she actually felt good and was talking in a totally "undrugged" way! Amazing for this stage!

June and I stayed over for an hour and a half or so and Sharon began to get tired and needed to rest a little, so we left so she could doze a little. In fact, that's where we still are and plan to go back over in a little while. Thought we'd give a little update in this interim part of the day!

More later!



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