Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday Evening, Sep 23

This looks like it could be our last night in the "Big House!" Dr Emerson told her yesterday that he felt confident that she could be released on Wednesday. He said nothing this morning to condradict that. She is rather excited at that prospect, to slightly understate her feelings! I'm sure that 21 days in that room has nothing to do with it! [:D] She keeps doing things that she was doing easily last week and gets frustrated that it's sometimes difficult to do them now. It's all too easy for us both to forget that little minor "thing" last Friday and that it was only 5 days ago!

I spent a bit of time this morning getting some things done to the room to make it ready for her. Simple little things you wouldn't normally think of. Things like raising the bed by 8 inches so she doesn't have to bend her hip too deeply. Making sure the recliner is high enough for the same reason. Actually, I spent a big part of the whole day doing that. Had to construct the bed riser from scratch with a sheet of plywood. Tried to get an extra set of box springs from the hotel but, while they did that last year with the queen size bed, they don't have the extra king sets to spare.

While I was in the process of getting all that done today, I had a bit of a twist myself! I was backing out of the coach and managed to step from the top step to the ground. That's a blind-sided three step drop. I didn't "fall" as in SPLAT! but did manage to roll hard to the ground! I might point out that I did fall pretty well on my most padded part of my posterior, but did roll on my left side and apparently bruised something in my left rib area. It is a bit sore, but like I told Sharon, it's nothing like having two operations on a body part in two weeks! Just glad that I didn't get more than a little sore!

We have a poor little critter on our walks (Bulli and mine!). Several days ago, Bulli chased a squirrel up a tree and I called him off (more like hooked him to the coach and pulled him off) and we went on about our business, er, make that HIS business! I noticed that the little guy was a little slow in getting out of the way. The next day, I saw it on the sidewalk ahead of us and it didn't seem to be in any hurry. I held Bulli until the little fellow made it to the nearest tree. Then, I noticed it was having trouble climbing the tree under the pressure of the white flash! I held Bulli back and watched the little thing. It was then I noticed that it had no use of its rear legs. It was motivating strictly by the front legs. Apparently, sometime ago, it was hit by a car or something, and lost its rear leg function. Today, while I was building the bed riser, I saw it crossing the parking lot to the hedges row in front of the dentist office next door to the Extended Stay. It was moving slowly, but seemed to have adapted to its front leg only life. I now know what Bulli has been hunting in the hedge behind the motel. He's known about the little ground bound thing since we've been here this time. I did see it climb a tree one day before I realized what was going on, but it was slow and barely got out of Bulli's way that time. I guess we need to catch the little fellow and outfit him with a pair of rear "wheels" like I've seen some doggies. Would probably have to motorize them so it could climb trees!

More later!



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the big move tomorrow. I hope everything goes well for you as you move one step closer to Tennessee!