Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Live has it’s little unexpected twists

In a world where unexpected twists and turns are somewhat normal, ours has just taken a totally unexpected one! Sharon’s operation has been postponed and rescheduled for later. As we were visiting with Doctor Emerson this afternoon, he outlined options of what could be done. These ranged from a repair that would be pretty well the last that would required, but would greatly limit her mobility options and would require, as a minimum, full-time crutches and restrict long walks, to a full rebuild of a new type prosthesis that is far more advance in metallurgy than the last. There has been a huge breakthrough in that area in the last few months (since the last operation 11 months ago) and will be the “gold ring” that should be the “Big Fix!” This last will result in more or less normal activity levels and allow Sharon the type lifestyle she wishes to continue. Guess which one she chose?!?! Naturally the one that lets her “go-for-it!”

Having said all that, our time-line has greatly shifted. Instead of going in for the operation tomorrow, she will go in for an aspiration of the hip tomorrow to let Dr. E have a chance to evaluate the condition of the hip area and insure there are no infectious “stuff” there. If anything shows up in the fluid that indicates anything wrong, then other options will have to be immediately implemented to remove any infection. Hopefully, and as best as can be told today, this is not a concern, merely a precautionary concern. Also tomorrow, she will have the hip area computer-scanned so that the new prosthesis can be made. This manufacture of the prosthesis normally takes about 6 weeks. Dr E thinks it could happen somewhat quicker than that and he will try to get it done as quickly as he can.

We will meet with Dr E on Friday morning to make sure that this plan is feasible and that we are cleared to proceed. If all goes as planned now, we will remain in Plano until Monday or Tuesday to make sure nothing is cultured from the fluids removed from her hip. We will take a few days to get home and take a breather along the way. We’re both a little swirly-headed over this latest turn of events, but we know this is the BEST option available to us right now. Again, we ask for your prayers and thoughts during this process.

More to follow as we learn more tomorrow.



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