Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Evening - Things Looking Up!

Sharon, as you might have noted, was up EARLY today and was none worse for the wear! I got over mid morning and found her still sitting up in the recliner. Actually, I believe she had been back to bed in the meantime! She was having some "discomfort" during the day and asked for meds for it late afternoon. Overall, though, it was definitely a big "UP" day!. One thing that helped that was that when he came on rounds this morning, he told her he believed she could go "home" around Wednesday. "Home" in this case means, of course, the Extended Stay. If Wednesday is indeed the magic day, we'll plan on leaving here on or around the 3rd of October. That will give us almost 10 days post hospital for things to settle out into a non-institutional setting. Considering she went into the hospital on the 4th of Sep., that's a stay that is much more than adequate for any of us to enjoy a hospital stay.

You know you've been there too long when the staff just drops by to see how you're doing, even if you're not in their area! We sure have met some super, dedicated caregivers here! They have added greatly to the "pleasantness" of this long a stay. I can't say too much about how great the service is that they provide.

I'm having to spend some time tomorrow getting our place here ready for her to come out of the hospital. We're going to have to raise the bed about 6 inches so that she can get in and out of it. She needs to be able to basically sit onto the bed at just under, how do I say this, butt level! Any lower and it places too much stress on the spacers and the incision. I also have to have a recliner brought in to give her a place to sit that she can get out of. The same criteria applies to the chair. More than likely, we'll have to put a spacer under it as well to get that same height. The manager is helping with these tasks, as far as he has resources and items available.

She's ready, I'm ready, the leg's almost ready! Let's Roll!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, parole is at hand. Next is in house suspension. Soon the warden might let you leave the state.

All in all that ain't bad.
Who said crime doesn't pay? This all fits because going through all this again is criminal.

Here's to an uneventful recovery. Would have said speedy, but we know that isn't in the cards.