Tuesday, March 17, 2009

2 "GOODS" but 1 "NOT SO GOOD"

Good #1-pre-registered with the hospital over the phone and all the paperwork there is in order and ready to be picked up Monday morning when I check in around 10:30 AM

Good #2-don't have to have any further blood, x-rays or anything before checking in Monday morning-nurse will call me when the implant is at the hospital, hopefully on Friday

NOT GOOD-called the Extended Stay this afternoon just to check on our reservation and somehow it has been messed up and our suite isn't available until Sun afternoon. Needless to say this upset me somewhat as we planned this whole trip down to the "inth degree" and coming 5 days early was going to allow us to get settled in and relax a little before my surgery on the 23rd. Also, our son is flying in tomorrow for the rest of the week and was going to help us move from the motorhome to the hotel suite.
Someone dropped our reservation but of course no one will own up to who did it, including the manager whom we spoke to in person in Jan while we were down here and I have the paperwork in my purse. SO, they say they can put us in another room at quite a reduced rate until Sunday-guess we don't have much choice. But, I was really looking forward to getting settled in during the next few days.
Stay tuned for the continuing saga......

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