Monday, November 3, 2008

Last Monday???

In some of the towns around rural north Texas, they hold sales in a flea market or farmers market called "First Monday" sales. There, you can buy just about anything that your heart may desire, as long as it's legal. Come get your "fleas" just like you would at any of the flea markets worldwide. Come get your veggies from farmers or vendors. Come get your livestock, your donkeys, your pigs, your goats, your minature horses! Just about anything you might need! Well, that's a "First Monday!" We're experiencing a "Last Monday" today! That's were you sort through your things you have accumulated and decide what to begin packing in Geovanii, in what order, and when to pack it, because you KNOW you will need it in both places for the next three days! Then you see what's left over and try to determine if those items are worth storing here until we come back, OR is it cheaper to just throw them out and replace it when we come back, if we decide we need it then! As an example is a small bookshelf we bought - came from, where else, WallyWorld. Cost all of $18 and has been invaluable sitting by the door catching the "droolings" of our return each day. We definitely won't have room for it in the coach, it's bulky, if I break it down to "in the box" form, more than likely the small parts will get lost before we get back. It's definitely not worth paying for storage and it's too large to have the Extended Stay store. Toss a coin - heads, trash, tails, break it down and take you chances! That's just one item. Not a lot of things like that, but just enough that you hate to leave them, and too much to take or pay storage! What's a girl to do? What's a girl to do? LOL Too cheap to keep, too valuable to toss!! That's what today is SUPPOSED to help decide!

We had a pretty good weekend! We went for a ride yesterday to make a run to the Post Office and to get a bite to eat. That seemed to get Sharon remotivated for a bit. Speaking of eating out - I had wanted a pizza from Joe's Pizza and Subs across the way. Sharon agreed that it sounded pretty good, too. In choosing which one to get, we decided to try the "Scicilian Deep Dish" model with all the "fixin's" It took about 30 minutes to prep and get through the oven. I went back in to get it and it almost broke my arm getting it off the counter! That thing must have been almost a full 2 inches thick and square, was loaded with all the good stuff, and filled a box that was 16 inches square! We won't run out of pizza for several days. That thing weighed at least 10 pounds! BUT it was GOOD!

Sharon is getting more back on her feet everyday. She still isn't sleeping in large doses yet, but we believe this is from the infusion drugs that will continue into December. Because of them, her stomach is reacting with some burning and discomfort from there. I can imagine how strong that stuff is. I splashed two drops of one of them on my arm while I was setting up the infusion three nights ago and I still have two little spots of chemical burn on it. They still itch! That strength surely must have some serious implications on the insides!

She can't wait to get back to Nashville and she's a little nervous about anything that might cause a reinfection of the leg, as well! We will likely NOT be going to where the big crowds are!

I really should get up and get moving. The nurse is due here any time to change her pic line dressing and I'm sitting here just like I got out of bed typing away on the computer! Probably should get dressed! Wait, just for that mental image you DON'T need in your mind, I DO have some clothes on! There, "Click", that should help the camera of your mind!! LOL!



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